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legal malpractice insurance new york quotes

legal malpractice insurance new york quotes


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Car insurance for 17 year old in Texas?

hi im 17 years old and i'm getting my car. i was wondering the cost of the insurance (i've heard it's really expensive[just wanted to verify] ) can anyone give me a good estimate?



Getting car Insurance with a provisional license in Ireland?

I'm 17 years old and I just passed my theory test today (Woohooo!) I live in IRELAND and I'm wondering what would be the cheapest way for insurance? Insurance would be much too high to go on my own. My mom doesnt have a license or even a provisional license, she doesn't intend to drive either for personal reasons. There's nothing that can be done there is there? I could go on my brothers insurance,he has a full license for around 8 years. He lives a county away though so how would that work? What are the rules about me going under his insurance? I would appreciate any help as I'm new to this and I need help. Thanks!



Will my car insurance skyrocket if I switch from a '97 to a '09?

I live in NYC so my car insurance is already astronomical. I drive a 97 Saturn right now and Im thinking of getting a Prius because of gas prices. Do you think my insurance will increase by a lot because of the difference in model and year? I know I could just get a quote but that's a process with my insurance company.



Insurance for a 16 yr old guy. please read and answer :)?

My son is looking into buying a 2001 v6 mustang, he is 16. How much would insurance run for? Is it even worth getting the car? PLEASE ANSWER! thank you



How do i get car insurance in brisbane?

im moving to brisbane soon and im wondering how to go about getting car insurance



Comprehensive car insurance coverage?

Does comprehensive car insurance cover mechanical damage such as the gearbox or engine? There is no physical damage to the engine itself, but will it cover damages to the engine after more



What would be a good, cheap first motorcycle?

i have a provisional licence, need a bike thats good for going to college and commuting. cheap insurance, and to buy, preferably below 1.5k. also any advise on where the best places to look are?



What is a toll free phone number to get auto insurance quotes from Farmer's Insurance?

I just want to get a quote for car insurance via a toll free phone number. Competitive quotes would be nice from a National Independent Agent that also offers Farmer's Insurance.



Insurance or personal?

I had a brush with a car i n the parking lot and the bumper of the other car came off. its a new car and the bumper needs to be replaced. The guy is claming $700 for repairs. Just wondering if i shuld pay it from my pocket or shuld go thru insurance. In case i claim insurance do points get added to my insurance which will impact my insurance cost in the coming years? whcih is more sensible...



Most affordable insurance company is?

Looking for cheap health insurance, I have never had health insurance before. What is the least amount of money a company will want from me to have full coverage of a surgery or hospital bill?



Will Hillary Clinton universal health care program force all Americans to pay for health insurance?

How will those who are unemployed pay for health insurance under her plan?



LANDA INSURANCE (real deal or fake?)?

WHATS up with Landa Insurance. is really sketchy. Says its for Texas and Cali but also out of state and when u click on out of state its like 766 bucks in your cart... Seems pretty weird.. No online quotes or anything...



How much do you pay for individual/family health insurance?

At my work I only pay 67.34 a month for health insurance. It is just me, single. Awesome insurance, no deductible, low co-pays etc. VERY lucky. However, if I had 1 spouse it sky rockets to 447.71 a month, and a family, any size would be 877.11 a month. (Great deal if you have 5 kids, not so great with 1 child) Is everyone's insurance like this???



Are you 17/18 and recently bought a car/insurance?

Im wondering what are the prices like now, and for what cars. Speaking to my mum,she told m vauxhall astra has a fairly cheap insurance for a young driver but anyway share below of around how much it costed you to get insurance and for what car thank you! 10 pts



Anyone know of a good insurance company in Texas for Home Owners Insurance?

I'm shopping for home owners insurance and I was wondering whats out there and is good and reliable.



What kind of insurance do I get and how do I go about getting it?

I'm a 19 year old female, working full time (and no my work doesn't offer health insurance). I'm still part of my mom's MediCal but I want to have better health care. And I just feel kinda clueless about the whole situation. If anyone can help that would be appreciated. Thanks.



Haggling Car insurance?

I am 20 years old Guy, and my car insurance is up for renewal, i have a Peugeot 306 hdi 2.0 turbo diesel. I have 2 years driving experience, however only have had a car for 1 year. I have had no claims, no tickets, no points on my lisence. Im Fully Comprehensive, live in a good area, have no criminal record, and park my car on the drive. I have my father, a Police Officer with 30 years no claims and 30 years experience as a named driver on my insurance. My Insurance last year was 1400 (steep yeah) and now its up for renewal i have had a quote of 1100. To me, this seems really steep seeing as surely by now i have proved that i am not some boy racer with a deathwish. My question is, do you guys think ill be able to get this price down with alittle haggling, what would you expect to pay for insurance if you where in my situation?



How would would car insurance be for a new driver in Rhode Island?

The car i'm getting is a pontiac grand prix, its older like 94 I think. I got my licence a few months ago, but i'm 20 years old. I haven't taken any driving classes or anything like that though. I'm just wondering if anyone knows about how much it would be so I know beforehand.



Why is car insurance quote from tesco 550 whereas competitors quote over 1000 ?

i went through swinton, axa ,norwich union, high performance, churchil, and a couple others. they did not even come this possible? i am a bit suspicious, if that tesco quote is reliable, but they say when i call that i can complete the whole process online and i do enter the same detail as on other websites.



Question about different garaging address on insurance policy?

I had had my license for 6 years in October, and called my insurance company to make sure my rate would go down. While on the phone, the rep and I got to chatting and I mentioned to her that I have been staying most nights (6-7 nights per week) at a different address for over a year now, but my license and policy are still listed at my mother's address. The rep explained the garaging address can be changed without changing the billing address if the two are different. Today I received an email about being refunded the difference at the end of my policy term. I didn't realize the changes would generate such a huge difference in price (The zip code of the town I have been staying in has a low crime rate and my mother's address is in a city). I realize people change their address to commit fraud, and now seeing such a difference in rate, I want to sure there is no legal ambiguity- I want to be crystal clear on what garaging implies and what I need to be aware of. 1) Am I in a gray area...If I go home for a weekend? If I lend the car to my brother for a few days? Do I need to be at the garaged address 80% of the time? 100%? I almost want to call them and ask to change it back just so as not have to worry. 2) Also, what would generate the bigger rate difference- the garaging change or the fact that I have had my license for 6 years? (is there a way to tell? Can I request a revised policy? 3) I am planning to replace my car soon, possibly donating it by the end of the year (very old car with continuous engine problems), so I will need to cancel my policy before it is up in April. Will this complicate things further? Any advice or resources are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance and thank you for reading!



Do you need insurance to take the Texas Driving Test?

I'm gearing up to take my drivers test, but I'm not sure whether I need insurance for it along with my VoE, Birth Certificate, ID, & SSN



How many low information posters truly believe Obamacare's $5,0000 deductibles constitute affordable insurance?

How can you say you have insurance when you have to pay $5,000 before it kicks in every year? A study by HealthPocket Inc. in December found that the average individual deductible for Obamacares bronze plan was $5,081 a year42 percent higher than the average deductible of $3,589 for an individually purchased plan. The deductibles on the low-cost plans are the real scandal here. The administration will surely trot out a long line of cancer patients and people with other terrible medical problems who got treatment in 2014 with coverage they werent able to buy in 2013, but there are going to be far more working poor and middle class people who still have to scrape together a decent premium after the subsidies, pay it faithfully, then get sick and go to the doctor, only to find out their policy doesnt cover anything until theyve paid a $5,000 deductible. I predict a LOT of dissatisfied lower income premium payers.



Car insurance, it makes me think why bother.?

Last year a neighbour crashed his car into my drive, damaging the railings, lucky my car was not there at the time and no one was hurt. He was charged as he had no insurance. I got a letter from the Police last week stating that he got 6 points and was fined 500.0. My car insurance is now up for renewal and I was quoted 600.0, obiviously I'm gonna have to get insured, but it does make me think why bother, what do you think???



What types of policies have been losing money for insurance companies?

Are property insurance policies in Florida (Hurricane area) still costing insurance companies? Any other kinds?



Is the Nissan 300zx (1991) a good first car for a teenager?

I just want to know, I'm shopping for my first car. I have about $3500 and I want a car that is sporty. I like the nissan 300zx, and I need to know if its a reliable enough car and a good buy for my first car. I f anyone has any advice or knows about the car, let me know. Thank you!


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legal malpractice insurance new york quotes


Beware this Scam on Car Insurance.!!?

A friend of mine was telling me about how his son was Scammed by a fake online Insurance Company. They are advertising car Insurance 50% cheaper, which of course is attracting young drivers. He paid 620 by his visa card for full cover, and was sent His Insurance documents. However, he was stoppd by the Police late at night for a Routine check, a few Months later, as It had come up on the NPR that he was driving without Insurance cover. He showed the Police his Documents and he was told that this company does not exist, and he is the 20th driver they have stopped and found that they have fake documents. However, the police did not press charges in this instance, but told him they have been trying to track these scammers for a whilr, but all they know is they are operating from Nigeria, and Latvia, but keep moving around. They advised the Lad in future to use a well known Insurance company or visit a good insurere in person to get Insurance. So God knows how many other drivers are on the road with useless Insurance cover.



How much for insurance on a Scion Tc? Does it get good MPG?

I am looking into getting a Scion Tc, I went to the dealer to look at the car and the sales man said that insurance will be a lot for a new scion. But he didn't know how much. I am 18, female, I will have my license for almost 2 years(by the time I get a new car), I have no tickets and have never been pulled over by a cop. And I live in California (if that makes a difference) Instead of getting a brand new Scion I am looking into a used one. A 2006 or 2007. I have Wawanesa car insurance. So does anyone know how much it would be a month? Oh, and from someone who has a Scion Tc, does it get good gas millage? It will be a deal breaker for me if it doesn't.



Auto Insurance Broker fee in CALIFORNIA?

What is the average auto insurance broker fee in California. What's the minimum and maximum broker fee? My auto insurance bill states the total costs for my six month policy premium is $200.00, but I paid the broker $275. How is it calculated? I just want to make sure he didn't over charge me. If possible, please include links. If I call my auto insurance company, will they be able to tell me or will I have to call the broker and find out. Your assistance is very much appreciated.



Is there a way to get car insurance quotes anonymously?

I'm currently shopping for a car, and I've whittle my choices down substantially. One of the factors that can make a difference is discovering the cost of insurance. Unfortunately, everytime I try to get quotes on the models online, every single insurance company wants my personal information. I don't want them to be calling me, flooding my inbox or mailbox with advertisements, or otherwise harassing me. All I want is a comparison between some cars. I would be willing to tell them non-personal info, such as the fact that it'll be one car and that my driving record is spotless; I'd be willing to prove the latter via an MVR after I select my insurer. If there are any ideas on how I can get this information without revealing who I am, I'm just not seeing it. Any help is appreciated!



What is the difference between a car registration and an insurance?

I always mix the 2 up for some reason. I know that insurance is to insure the car for any damages done to the other vehicle or your own vehincle, but what is a registration for. Is it to verify the owner of the vehicle. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.



My car's engine died, therefore I never renewed my car insurance. How can I get my DL reinstated?

In the meantime, I moved. Even though I provided the agencies with my new address & my email address, I was never properly notified from the insurance company or the DMV office. Now, I discovered my driver's license has been suspended for lack of car insurance. If my car was operable, I would have renewed my insurance. I've always had car insurance, just thought it would be no big deal not renewing it. Also, I have a bill from my auto mechanic stating my car has engine damage and needs a new engine. Is there any way to correct this without paying the reinstatement fee to the DMV? Thanks for any advice!



How do I insure my new used car while I wait to pass my test?

I have a UK provisional driving licence, am due to take my practical test in little over a week and have just bought a used car. I have purchased temporary insurance so that my mum can drive the car home for me, which cost me 45 for the day. I'm an older learner driver, (over 40). How do I insure the car whilst it sits on the road outside my house until I pass my test?



What are some good Business insurance in California?

I opened up a business and i need insurance and I'm looking for a good one with a reasonable price with workers comp and liability I live in California south bay got any you recommend?



What is a reliable car with a low insurance group?

I've done a little research and noticed they put cars together in insurance groups - like 2e for example. Is the letter for the level of security - so is 'e' bad, for example and 'a' good? Could someone please explain the process, and as I've just passed (I'm 18) - could you name a suitable car for me - lower insurance bracket if possible?



Will my insurance go up if i get a traffic ticket for failing to stop at a stop sign?

what if i just pay the bill will my insurance go up? the thing is just this dec 6 2011 they added two new stop signs in a 4 way intersection before, if you were going north or south you didnt have to stop, and only the people going west and east had to stop its been several months since i passed by there and i just zoomed thru the stop sign and obviously violated the law. i bet im not the only one thats been stopped there im in california btw



How much would insurance be on a 2001 Porsche 911 Turbo, im 16?

okay how much would first the down payment be? wich my parents will pay for, how much will the monthly payment be when i have nothing on my credit and im 16, and how much would ensurance be ? i live in northern california if that helps near sacramento



How much do YOU or your teen pay for car insurance every year? Every month?

How much do YOU or your teen pay for car insurance every year? Every month?



How much would insurance cost for a motorcycle?

I'm 16 and I live in va. I was wondering how much insurance would cost for a 600cc and a 250cc. A sportbike. Like the ninja 250. But I'm trying for a 600cc, either yamaha r6 or a ninja 650r. Thanks



In Las Vegas, do you have to have car insurance in order to drive? Is it required.?

Do you have to have car insurance to have a license?



Is allstate good insurance?

My husband and I are buying a house and shopping around for homeowner's insurance. So far, we've found that Allstate has the best rates. Are they a good insurance company? I'd love to hear from current/previous Allstate customers. We currently have auto insurance through Geico, who we're happy with, but their homeowner's rates are high. We'll probably switch auto policies to whoever we insure our home through. So, any info on Allstate home and/or auto insurance would be appreciated. Thanks!



About bussines car insurance.?

I have plan to be selfemployed(car mechanic) and I wanna use my own car for my bussines proposal.So what kind of insurance i need to buy? I have problem to choose between trade insurance and bussines car insurance. Sometimes I will need to use my customer's car to pick them up to garage, but mostly I will use my own car and I wanna put advertise sticker on my car with my contact details. (one time i was stopped by police and I had before adverise on my car without bussines insurance, but they let me go and I had to take the stickers off) Have you any idea about which insurance is better? Many thanks



Speeding ticket, will it raise my insurance in texas?

hey, I got a speeding ticket a few days ago and would like to take the defensive driving class instead, if the judge will let me. i really dont want to let my dad know about it and i am willing to pay all of it, i just dont want to have to deal with my dad. Will my insurance go up even if i do the defensive driving class? Thanks!



Will getting a speeding ticket raise my insurance?

Will getting a speeding ticket raise my insurance? I was helping my friend move her car today and got pulled over for going 10 mph + the speed limit (in a different state). I showed the cop her insurance and my license. He said he is going to mail me the ticket. Now, I am wondering after I pay this ticket, will my insurance increase even though this was not my vehicle, vehicle insurance, and it was in a different state (California). Please help with any advice, I cannot have my insurance go up. Cop still gave me ticket even after ten hours of driving and crying afterwards..



How much are you paying for motorcycle insurance?

I'm trying to get a quote for insurance on a 2008 Ducati 848. I tried Geico, State Farm, All State abd Progressive but they all are quoting me around the same which is around 4k a year for full coverage and 1k a year for just liability. This seems crazy to me as im only paying $350 a year right now for full coverage on my ninja 250. I know the Duc has a much larger engine but the price difference is drastic. Im a 23 year old male with 2-3 years riding experience. Clean record and i did the MSF course when i started riding. The 848 im trying to buy is used and i would be paying in full. How much are you guys paying?



State auto insurance vs. state of registration?

I am currently working a temporary job away from home in another state not my permanent residence (I am living there for the term of the employment). While there I bought another vehicle and registered it in that state and when insuring it moved my other car to the policy not realizing this could cause a problem. Now on my first vehicle, which was registered in my home state, the home state has refused to renew the registration because it carries out of state insurance. However, I also don't own the first vehicle, it is owned by my parents who are a resident of my home state, I just use it and pay the insurance. So unless I am missing anything, It looks like I am basically going to be forced to register that vehicle in a state where I do not have residence or cancel my insurance policy and get insurance for only that vehicle through a provider in my home state. Is this it or are there other options? I'm confused because they let me renew last year even though I had the out of state insurance, but I had switched during that year so maybe they considered me part-time or something. I would like to avoid changing any state registrations for the time being, because this process is expensive and complicated between the two states in question. Someone told me the cheapest option might be to get a minimum liability policy on the car in my home state so they will give me registration, but I have never heard of that and I'm not sure if that is ok (having two insurance policies on the same vehicle)? I am not trying to play tricks or loophole anything here, I just want to figure out my options and get this done without costing me a lot of money or time.



Planning on buying a newer car, wondering how much my insurance will go up or if it will at all?

Right now I have a Ford mustang, and i'm paying about $800 every 6 months, i'm planning on getting a 2006 Grand Prix so since it's not a sports cr but it's newer will my insurance rate stay the same? Will it go up? Or am I lucky and will it go down?



Best insurance company for full coverage?

What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =



How much would motorcycle insurance for 600cc roughly cost for a 24 year old?

just need the rough estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. please state the type of insurance too. thanks.



How much money will i be paying for car insurance? im a 25 year old man.?

i have a big interest in 80s and early 90s sport cars. i even like 60s cars. what websites can i find out car insurance plans. thank you yahoo answers.



Anybody know of any car insurance co's that will give auto insurance policies to 17 year olds??

I have a 17 yr old that has already gotten 2 tickets so I want him off my policy - as he is making it too expensive for me to afford - I told him he needs to get his own insurance. I already called my insurance and tried taking him off my policy (as I took away his driving privelages) but they told me I HAVE TO keep him on my policy even if he doesn't drive - He has a license and has to be covered under my policy because he lives with me - so I can't take him off til he gets his own insurance. My problem - most co's will not issue a policy to anyone under 18 (PS - we live in New Jersey)


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legal malpractice insurance new york quotes


When does insurance comapanies stop charging outrageous rate for male sports car drivers?

I just turned 24 and am thinking about getting a sports car. I heard the insurance comapany charge outrageous rate for male drivers until certain age. I was wondering what that age is.



How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?

How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?



Medical insurance?

my husband has medical insurance & i do not one medicine we both take without the insurance it is only $7.89 WITH insurance he still has to pay his $25 co-pay How Come ??????????????



Will a DUI in MA 5 years ago affect my insurance rates in CA?

I was arrested for DUI in January 2008. This was my first and only DUI charge. I am planning to move to California later this year and I was wondering if this conviction will still affect my rates? I read something about the interstate driver's compact and about how Mass. is not a member so it might not share driving history with another state especially since so much time has passed and I have kept a clean record since then. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!



How much would 21 yr olds pay for car insurance with no credits?

How much would 21 yr olds pay for car insurance with no credits?



Which is the Best insurance in child plan?

Which is the Best insurance in child plan?



How do i report insurance fraud?

for the last year i have worked for one of sacramento's mortage realestate companys. during that time i have witnessed my boss committing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of insurance fraud, filing false police reports , theft, vandalism . who do i report this to and is there a reward ?



Cheap car insurance!!!?

I'm 17 and I just got my license and my dad is looking for insurance for me does anyone know where I can get a very good deal??



Is it a legal requirement to have caravan insurance?

Is it a legal requirement to have caravan insurance like it is car insurance? Thanks for your help!



I have a question about car insurance in N.C.? I REALLY NEED AN ANSWER????????????????

okay, im 15, im about to get a car signed over to my name, what im wanting to do is have it in my name, work out the problems with it over the years, then by the time i get my license, it'll be running nice and good so i dont have to worry about it, sounds simple huh? well i've only encountered one problem with this, and that is my mom says that you need to have car insurance to be able to own a car by law. so the whole time that i own the car, fixing it up and stuff, (when im not driving it), ill have to pay car insurance on it, i dont have a job yet, so i dont wanna dig a ditch that i cant get out of, so by law in N.C., do i have to have to have car insurance on a car, if i dont have my license, and im not driving it, i guesse a simpler way to put it is do i have to have insurance on a sitting car. an answer is crucial and best answer gets 10 points, please help thank you



Car insurance help needed?

For reasons I do not want to discuss here, my car has not had auto insurance on it for about a year, it has not been driven only set in my garage. I am trying to get insurance on it again so I can drive it again, but because I put I have not had insurance for a year the monthly payment is not manageable, if I put that my last policy ended a week ago and get a policy online will I need to show proof of this or is there another way to get insurance and not have to pay such high premiums?



Do I need car insurance to rent a car?

If I have a valid license but do not have insurance, can I rent a car?



How to get a lucrative income in health insurance?

does anyone do health insurance sales and what is the best way to excel at this profession



Good individual insurance?

My job doesn't provide insurance because it's technically not full time. I absolutely cannot be without medical insurance because I deal with things like depression, asthma, allergies, and back and neck pain from an accident (I need an insurance with very good prescription drug coverage, chiropractic care coverage, and mental health coverage-like therapy/psychiatrists). Needless to say I can't afford to NOT have insurance. I'm also overweight, so it's very hard to find affordable insurance for myself. Since February, I have been on individual insurance with CHAND, a high risk insurance division of Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Dakota. The insurance is pretty good, but I pay $260/month, which is way out of my budget. My question is this: are there any good and inexpensive insurances out there for me? I'm trying to save money for a second bachelor's degree (college) and a wedding. Can anyone help? Thank you in advance- I deeply appreciate it!



Cheap motorbikes... cost and insurance?

looking at motorbikes 600cc and upwards that are cheap insurance groups. im not looking for a cruiser but mayber a sports tourer or bandit style bike ( sorta sporty looking ) ive tried to look but cant fine any... i keep getting insurance websites is there any 600cc's that are group 1 insurance at all????



How much insurance will I need to lease a car?

I want to lease a 2010 car. I want my insurance prices to be low, but who determines what kind and how much insurance I will need. Will my insurance be higher or lower than financing the car? What are some insurance things I SHOULD get once I lease? Any other info you can provide that I will NEED to know will be greatly appreciated! Thanks!



Wouldn't the PPAC (Obamacare) bankrupt insurance companies?

PPAC seems very similar in nature to the Community Reinvestment Act that played a role in the 2008 financial crisis. The PPAC requires insurers to offer the same premium (price fixing) to all applicants of the same age and geographical location without regard to most pre-existing conditions (excluding tobacco use). It also states that minimum standards for health insurance policies are to be established and annual and lifetime coverage caps will be banned. As a business owner, I don't see where the government comes to the conclusion that insurance companies could survive the price fixing and taking on such high risk liabilities. It seems like 2008 all over again, does it not? Wouldn't they get involved in something similar to what the banks did with derivatives since they were forced to take on high risk loans? It seems like the big focus on Obamacare is the part where people are forced to buy insurance. I don't think that is a big issue, the big issue is how can the insurance companies handle this? Am I wrong? I am going to do more research tonight.



What if i don't have car insurance and i don't drive the car?

i wanna buy a car but not drive it for a while but i can't afford car insurance....can i not register until i am ready to drive it is that legal?????



Need insurance and sr22 for suspended license?

A friend of mine lost his license for driving without insurance. He needs to get insurance and provide an sr22 to get his license back. We live in Ohio and are having a hard time finding any kind of affordable insurance plans. Any ideas? What is a good price for min. state coverage, anyways? Thanks for the help.



Approx price for car insurance for 16 yr old?

Hey, I'm about to get my license and promotion for my current part time job, and i'm wondering if anyone know what how much would i have to pay for my car insurance, current car im planning to drive is a Nissan Maxima year 2000, I got my permit March 2007, but was too lazy to get my license, getting my license around next month...



Car Insurance quotes?

I am trying to get car insurance for my young grandson and the prices I have been quoted are extortionate. Is this something that any of you have down recently and, if so, can you give me any advice?



Dose anyone know any cars with cheap insurance for a young driver (under 1000pa)?

Im looking for a car with a small engine so the insurance will be as low as possible. can anyone think of any good cars.



Car insurance? Insurethebox?

Can someone help me please? Im trying to get insurance quotes on a couple of cars, I tried with a Fiat Punto, and coudnt get any AT ALL. I then tried a Citroen C2, that came back at 4grand - 5 grand Fully comp. I then tried to get insured on a Peugeot 206 This also came back at 4-5 grand, fully comp. Insurethebox coudnt even give me a quote? Someone explain this to me? No years bonus, and 18, but still the insurance shoudnt be 4 grand? I would get a corsa, but to many of my friends have them, and i dont want one. I do want a peugeot 206, but i cant get insured.. am i doing something wrong? help!



Life Insurance Companies?

Please give me the names of the five best life insurance companies.



Insurance for 19 year old male?

I drive a 1996 mercedes c220 and need insurance soon!!! Wondering how much I'd be looking at monthly


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legal malpractice insurance new york quotes


Am i insured if driving without a licence?

my friend was in a car accident although she is insured her driving licence had expired



Insurance Quote From You! State Farm?

What do think state farm will charge for - for a 1984 dodge, 2.2L, cheapest insurance plans?



What happens to money at the end of life insurance term?

As a young child and teen, I remember my mom saying on a few occasions that she bought term life insurance when I was a baby. It was a 30 year plan for 100,000. She said that the term would end when I turn 30 years old and if she doesn't die by the time it ends....then SHE would be able to collect on the plan (getting the 100k) Now, I am 30 years old..and want to by term life insurance so my child will be taken care of incase I die. I'm thinking off getting a 20 year term. MY QUESTION - is it so that in 20 years...if I don't die, then I will be able to collect all that money? I'm doing research on it and finding that with regular term life insurance, you don't get any money at the end of the term.....but I remember my mom saying different. What do you know about it? (it isn't possible to ask my mom about it)



Do you think i would be able to pay the insurance?

so here is the situation...My mom, my brother and i are all living together right now but my mom has an altima and me and my brother are sharing an 05 dodge dakota. Soon my mom is going to be buying a car for her, my brother is getting the altima, and i am getting the dakota. Her plan was for me was to use the truck all the way through college and until i get a good job and buy my own car. However i do not like this truck at all and would rather sell it and get a car. The car i want is is an 08 Acura tl type s. She just laughed and said good luck paying for the insurance. I am willing to do a lot of work to get this car (including preparing the truck for sale and actually selling it) and working to pay for the insurance. As soon as she gets this new car i plan on applying everywhere, pretty much all of the restaurants in my area. I will be 18 by the time i come anywhere close to getting this car. Do you think being a busboy at a restaurant will be sufficient to pay for the gas and insurance for the car i said above. Ive never gotten a ticket or been in an accident before. Also i live in florida if this makes a difference.



Whats the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old without previous insurance and 2 speeding tickets?

whats the cheapest car insurance for a 19 year old without previous insurance and 2 speeding tickets full coverage?



Car insurance renewal?

my car insurance renewal is due on the 22 of this month. but i'm 200 dollars short. can i call them and give them a post dated check for a week later



Car insurance help ok so i am going to be a first year driver?

ok so i am going to be a first year driver what insurance company should i get since the are a lot of them out there and how much do u think i will be paying per month in joliet IL i am a male and 18 years old



How long does it typically take to get an insurance quote?

I've been shopping around because my homeowner's insurance premium increased over $200 from last year. The two other insurance agencies I asked for a quote over a week ago still haven't responded. I don't want to call them and seem over-anxious. What should I do?



Affordable health care?

Does the affordable health care act say that as a family member of a state emplyee I can't be on my wife's insurance after she retires ?



Car Insurance for G35 Coupe 2003-2007?

I called triple A and they told it would be 2,700 dollars for a G37 Coupe for a 16 year old boy in a family plan, but how about a G35 Coupe? They are much older, so I assume that the insurance would be much lower? An estimate anyone? I Live in Northern California



Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?'?

Obamacare: Is a $2,000 deductible 'affordable?'



Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?

Why is car insurance expensive for young male drivers than female drivers?



How can I get estimates for fire damage to fight the insurance adjuster?

How can I get estimates for fire damage to fight the insurance adjuster?



Can I claim health insurance costs?

If i am retired, 55 and have to pay my own health insurance, can I deduct them on my income taxes. Lets say the monthly premium is $500 and my anual income is $24,000



How important is car insurance ?

My dad works for an insurance company so he thinks I need insurance but I can't afford it. Should I wait until I have enough money for insurance to buy a car?



Insurance policy,,,,,,,,,,,?

I signed a life insurance policy on the spot. It was an error at some point. I realize that what i needed was a retirement insurance. Is it possible to request the insurance company to change my policy?



How much to get a 2007 BMW 335i insured?

I have been looking for a beamer recently and I found one it's a 2007 BMW 335i blue coupe and I was wondering how much insurance is for it in California.



Car Insurance?

anybody know what the Uk cheapest car insurance for somebody with 15 years no claims discount car engine size 2.8cc?



Ohio Car Insurance?

Okay, My mom owns the car I drive, and has insurance on it, but only her & my dad are insured on it, and i am not. Can I get in trouble for this if I am pulled over? Any help is greatly appreciated!



Cheap Health Insurance...?

I need cheap health insurance just for seeing my gyn and the eye doctor twice a year or so. I had medicaid as a child *until this past bday in december (i got an extension)* i don't make much since i work fast food right now..and i'm in school...



I canceled my auto insurance b/c I moved to a different state where the policy was considerably cheaper..?

I then unexpectedly moved to my original state. Although I was paying a cheaper insurance, how much grace period time do I have to insure my vehicle in my current state where the insurance is more? Thanks.



Is It A Good Idea To Get Rental Car Insurance?

I was posed that question yesterday when I rented a car.



Getting insurance for another persons car?

I'll be getting a loan of my brother-in-laws car while he's away serving with the army for 6 months and I'm trying to find the most cost effective way(s) of me getting insured for it for that duration. At the moment I have my own car with insurance, for myself and my wife (insurance is in my name), and I effectively want to use a second car. Ideally I wouldn't want my brother-in-law to have to pay insurance while he's away.



Car insurance on a WRX or Mazdaspeed3?

I am a 17year old guy and since I got into my early decision college my parents are buying me a car. I like power in a car but I dont want an american muscle car because I would like to go in a direction rather than straight. Im looking at a new (yes my parents are crazy for buying new im trying to convince em to buy a slightly used one) Subaru WRX or a Mazdaspeed3. They are going to pay upto 25k for it so the WRX Hatchback just falls in there. I was wondering what would insurance be on these cars for me and any reviews u guys have on them and if there are any other good choices out there that have the same power and handling as these, I would love a rear wheel drive car but I live where there is quite a bit of snow so FWD or AWD please. Thanks.



Changing Insurance Carriers (auto)??

Hi! I've been insured with a well known company for 8-9 years. I have a clean driving record, and need to cut some costs. The gecko got to me! I recently got some new quotes, which are cheaper than my present carrier. I called my company and they will not lower their rate, so I'm thinking about changing to another company. Is there any loyalty factor at all, or should I just go ahead and change carriers? I was careful to be sure that the bids I got were for policies that exactly match what I have now...but I'm afraid of starting new, I guess. And, is there anything else I need to be concerned about? What do you think?


legal malpractice insurance new york quotes

legal malpractice insurance new york quotes